造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
1、for easy to effectively administrate the website news, it is really necessary to develop a website news management system.(为了便于对网站新闻进行有效的管理,非常有必要开发一个网站新闻管理系统。)
2、The author investigates the numismatic market, and points out that it is necessary to administrate the numismatic market.(通过考察钱币市场情况,认为对钱币市场的管理是必要的。)
3、to administrate outlays for guarantee mechanism of compulsive education and educational special fund;(参与义务教育保障机制经费、有关教育专项经费管理;)
4、To organize and administrate the activities of AD publishing and AD operation.(组织管理广告发布与广告经营活动。)
5、To make out and administrate works on foreign technical affairs.(规划管理全市科技外事工作。)
6、Chapter 4 covers questions about CA administration, which mainly about how to administrate CA and what aspects of CA should be administrated.(第4章探讨了电子商务认证机构管理的问题,主要内容包括管理模式和管理内容两大部分。)
7、So that medication use system (MUS) is complex system that is difficult to realize and administrate.(因此,药物使用系统是一个难于认识和管理的复杂系统。)
8、An embedded application can execute backups using the JDBC API; the application client does not need to administrate the backup.(嵌入式应用程序可以使用JDBCAPI来执行备份,而应用程序客户机不需要管理备份。)
9、And after this hell one also have to administrate a server.(全文翻译完后,由服务器端对译文进行审改和定稿。)
10、The three subsystems are controlled by OSY, which also support interface between system and user, and administrate the system database.(这三个子系统都在OSY的控制之下运行,OSY还提供用户与系统的交互界面并且管理系统数据库。)
11、Such as both families, such as how to live on a litter better, how to administrate home finance, how to breaking in with my husband, etc.(比如双方的家庭,比如如何生活的好一点,如何管理家庭财务,如何和丈夫磨合等等。)
12、The market is not perfect and it is necessary to administrate water resources and the market of water resources.(市场并不完美,水资源和水资源市场需要管理。)
13、Some potential problems still exist in the market now, how to administrate it has unsettled yet.(目前钱币市场潜在的问题仍然存在,管理问题仍未真正解决。)
14、To administrate, supervise and issue the journalist permits across the country.(管理、监制和核发全国新闻记者证。)
15、The background database USES ACCESS database to administrate the whole of background data of this system.(后台的数据库则使用ACCESS数据库管理整个在线招聘系统的后台数据。)
16、The goal of the project is to provide a simple to administrate and use, yet powerful IT tracking system.(这个项目的目标是提供一个简单而功能强大的管理和使用IT跟踪系统的方法。)
17、Anyhow, "Mafia" and "the Organization in the Nature of Mafia" are mere concepts, the aim to recognize them is to administrate the society better.(但无论如何,“黑社会”与“黑社会性质组织”仅仅是概念而已,对他们的认识的最终目的是为了更好地治理社会。)
18、This is certainly the simplest to administrate.(对于管理员来说这当然是最简单的。)
19、If none of this make sense and you have someone to administrate your system for you, show the above to them and they should be able to figure it out.(如果这些操作都不起作用,而且你是让其他人管理你的系统,你可以向他们显示上述的操作,他们能够解决问题。)
20、So, auditing departments should work based on such conditions to increase incomes and reasonably administrate outcomes.(鉴于此,审计部门在进行财政审计时应根据其特点,在增加收入合理安排支出方面发挥作用;)
21、Running school by law means that the law is used as a basis and a supreme authority to administrate school.(依法治校是指把法律作为管理学校的依据和最高权威。)
22、When a role membership is revoked from a user, a group, or a role, the ability to administrate the "revoked" role is also removed at the same time.(当从一个用户、组或角色那里收回角色从属关系时,管理“被回收”角色的能力也随之被撤销。)
23、Plan, organize and administrate the sourcing and purchasing of supplier.(计划、组织和管理供应商的选择及采购。)
24、It can also update, administrate and analyze the data of land use and output all kinds of inquiry, statistics and analysis result.(能够对土地利用变更调查数据进行更新、管理与分析;能够输出各种查询、统计和分析结果。)
25、Organize great training courses in factory, administrate and file training records.(厂内各项大型培训的组织,管理及记录保存。)
26、Of course these instruments are usually controlled by those who administrate the minion training program, but they don't have to be.(当然这些工具通常掌握在那些奴才培训班的管理者手中,当然也并不一定是那样。)
27、You've looked at the key tools and utilities used to analyze threads and administrate your processes.(您了解了一些用于分析线程和管理进程的、关键的工具和实用程序。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。