

2023-01-01 来源:化拓教育网

door的常用短语是:用作名词(n.)at death's door垂死,近接死亡之日 near death。door形容词:doorless;过去式:doored;过去分词:doored;现在分词:dooring;第三人称单数:doors。door【近义词】entrance入口。


  1. 门,房门
  2. 口,门口,出入口,入口,关口
  3. 通道
  4. 家,户,一家,一户
  5. (房间、房子的)门面
  6. 门路,途径,门径
  7. 【船、机】盖
  8. 门边,门旁
  9. 【商业】联号分店
  10. 个人经历


  1. a swinging or sliding barrier that will close the entrance to a room or building or vehicle;

    "he knocked on the door"
    "he slammed the door as he left"

  2. the entrance (the space in a wall) through which you enter or leave a room or building; the space that a door can close;

    "he stuck his head in the doorway"

  3. anything providing a means of access (or escape);

    "we closed the door to Haitian immigrants"
    "education is the door to success"

  4. a structure where people live or work (usually ordered along a street or road);

    "the office next door"
    "they live two doors up the street from us"

  5. a room that is entered via a door;

    "his office is the third door down the hall on the left"


1. 车门:十年我公司是外资(韩国)企业,主营韩国产汽车配件的贸易公司.主要车型包括 HYUNDAI;KIA;GM DAEWOO;CHEVROLET 等.主要经营产品有 车灯(LAMP车门(DOOR引擎盖(HOOD)

2. 门板:普通柜 门板(door)厚度:5mm 箱体(body)厚度:1.8mm国家强制认定CCC柜 门板(door)厚度:6mm 箱体(body)厚度:4mm欢迎来电咨询价格,我们将会给你最优惠的价格.

3. door的翻译

3. 货主工厂或仓库:18. CFS container freight station 集装箱货运站 | 19.DOOR 货主工厂或仓库 | 20. DPP damage protection plan 损害修理条款


He chiseled a hole in the door to fit a new lock.


Somebody opened the door and the candle blew out.


He sprang up and rushed to the door.


He made for the door and tried to escape.


They refused to negotiate, thus closing the door on any chance of a settlement.



at death's door
    垂死,近接死亡之日 near death
behind〔with〕 closed doors
    秘密地 in secret
next door to
    几乎,差不多 nearly; almost
put〔set〕 to the door
    辞退,赶走 fire
    put〔set〕 sb to the door

    The boss put Cage to the door.


show the door
    把(某人)撵走 drive (sb) away
    show sb the door

    When he became drunk and aggressive his host showed him the door.


show to the door
    送(某人)到门口 take (sb) to the main door
    show sb to the door

    Whenever a guest leaves, my father will show him to the door.



  • She stood before her lover's door and knocked for admittance.

    出自:Sir W. Scott


out of doors, without doors
  • 这两个短语的意思侧重点不同:前者强调“在户外,露天”; 而后者通常用于表示“在外面”,特别指在家庭、团体、会议等的外面。例如:
  • We often have our food out of doors in summer.
  • 夏天我们常在野外用餐。
  • The quarrels of their family were going on not only within doors, but sometimes without doors.
  • 他们家庭的争吵不但在家里进行,有 时也在外面进行。
  • door, gate
  • 虽然这两个词都可译成“门”,但二者之间有着明显的区别,一般不可混用。door主要指楼、房间、碗橱、壁橱等建筑或家具上的门; 而gate通常指城墙、围墙、院墙等的门,往往译成“城门”“栅门”“闸门”等。试比较:
  • He stood within the door.
  • 他站在室内。(不是室外)
  • He stood within the gate.
  • 他站在大门内。(是室外)
  • He stood outside the door.
  • 他站在室外。(有可能在院内)
  • He stood outside the gate.
  • 他站在大门外。(不在院内)
  • 注意:如果用于引申义或构成复合词时,这两个词有时可以通用。例如:
  • Their cooperation opened the door〔gate〕 to success.他们之间的合作为成功创造了条件。
  • That old man is a door〔gate〕 keeper.那位老人是看门的。
  • I found him sitting in the door〔gate〕 way to enjoy the cool.我发现他坐在门口乘凉。
  • He knew then he was at the door〔gate〕 of death.那时他知道自己已奄奄一息。
  • 下面三句意思相同:
  • The heavy rain kept us indoor(s).
  • The heavy rain kept us within doors.
  • The heavy rain kept us indoors.
  • 大雨使我们不能出门。
  • 下面两句意思相同:
  • Go out of doors for exercises.
  • Go outdoors for exercises.
  • 到室外做操。
  • 下面两句意思不同:
  • Keep the door open and let the fresh air in.
  • 让门开着使新鲜空气进来。
  • Jane is very hospitable; she always keeps open doors.
  • 简十分好客,对来访者总是热情招待。
  • 下面两个短语意思不同:
  • show sb the door 撵走
  • show sb to the door 送到门口
  • door的相关近义词



